Posted March 2, 2023

A clever title

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If you are an intermediate level developer working with Sitecore, you may be wondering how to add search functionality to your Sitecore instance. Fortunately, Sitecore provides several tools and features that make it relatively easy to create search functionality. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the ways you can get started creating search functionality in Sitecore version 10.3.

Configure Sitecore Content Search

Sitecore Content Search is a powerful search engine that is built into Sitecore. It provides a fast and efficient way to search for content in your Sitecore instance. To use Sitecore Content Search, you need to configure it first. Sitecore Content Search uses indexes to search for content, so the first step is to create an index. You can do this by using the Sitecore Control Panel, which provides a user-friendly interface for managing indexes. Once you have created an index, you can start searching for content using Sitecore Content Search API.

public class SearchableTitle : IComputedIndexField
    public object ComputeFieldValue(IIndexable indexable)
        Item item = indexable as SitecoreIndexableItem;

        if (item == null)
            return null;

        Field titleField = item.Fields[Constants.Editorial.Fields.Title.ToString()];
        if (titleField == null || !titleField.HasValue)
            return null;

        return titleField.Value;

    public string FieldName { get; set; }
    public string ReturnType { get; set; }

Use Sitecore Search API

Sitecore Search API provides a set of powerful tools for creating search functionality in Sitecore. You can use Sitecore Search API to search for content based on different criteria, such as keywords, location, and date range. Sitecore Search API also provides a set of filters and sorting options that you can use to refine your search results. To use Sitecore Search API, you need to create a search query and execute it using the Sitecore Search API.

Use Sitecore Solr Search

Sitecore Solr Search is a search engine that is based on the Apache Solr search platform. Sitecore Solr Search provides a fast and efficient way to search for content in Sitecore. To use Sitecore Solr Search, you need to install Solr and configure it to work with Sitecore. Once you have configured Solr, you can create search queries using Sitecore Search API and execute them using Sitecore Solr Search.

public class PagedSearchResult<out TResult> where TResult : SearchResultItem
  public IEnumerable<TResult> Results { get; }
  public FacetResults Facets { get; }
  public int PageNumber { get; }
  public int PageSize { get; }
  public int TotalHits { get; }

In conclusion, creating search functionality in Sitecore version 10.3 is relatively easy thanks to the powerful tools and features that Sitecore provides. You can choose to use Sitecore Content Search, Sitecore Search API, Coveo Search, or Sitecore Solr Search, depending on your needs and requirements. By following the steps outlined in this blog post, you should be able to get started with creating search functionality in your Sitecore instance.

Disclaimer: Generated by and AI. Only used to tweak website look and feel.